Animal Kingdom Personality Cards
Financed by a Successful Kickstarter Campaign!
Animal Kingdom Personality cards were created to help start conversations with young adults on the verge of making major life decisions, such as where to go to college or what career path to pursue.
By reacting to a series of simple statements on the cards, the teens learn about their innate personality and lifestyle preferences and priorities. And they gain insights into their behavior style in groups.
The cards are an excellent tool for promoting self-knowledge and encouraging growth. They’re easy to use and are valuable for children as young as 8. In addition to parents and educators, they can be useful to therapists, educational consultants and human resource professionals.
Click here to order online, you can order 5 packs at a discount. To download descriptions of each of the Animal personalities, click here
Don’t forget to order bookmarks to handout to clients and friends who use the cards!
IEC Forms
If you are looking for IEC forms, please go to this page.
In Conjunction with HECA and IECA, the College Lady is offering full sets of individualized forms for IEC.
These forms Include:
- Application Overview
- Sample Contract
- Family Information and Student Intake
- High School Timeline
- Selection Criteria quiz for students
- Campus Visit Checklist, Colleges I’m Considering and Campus Snapshot
- Essay Considerations
- Financial Aid Timeline and Financial Decision matrix
- Making the Decision matrix
These forms can be personalized for your business, and sent to you as a pdf set for printing ($125 IECA/HECA members, $175 non-members), or as electronic forms ($175 IECA/HECA members, $250 non-members) that can be filled out and emailed by your clients.
These forms are proprietary and should not be shared with other companies.
Please fill out the form on this page for more information